Quick Start

For those needing a refresher on the steps for registration & enrollment.

Registration & Enrollment

The FES Partner Portal is the one place for all requests related to registration and enrollment. The first step is to register the student via the Portal. Once a student has been registered you can move on to course enrollment.

Step 1 - Student Registration

Registration is simply providing basic student information needed to get a student started with FES online courses. Students can be registered in one of two simple ways.

  1. Simple registration using form based entry via Portal screens - Learn More

  2. Bulk registration using a file upload for large list - Learn More

Student Registration Information Required

Step 2 - Course Enrollment

Bulk Import All Users

Download the import template and enter student information in the fields required.

This is a .csv file. Save it in the same file forman (csv) and name it uniquely each time. Example - File Naming convention: SchoolName_Studentregistration_august12

View of Bulk Template Fields

Note: IEP/504 Field is a TRUE or FALSE Field. If a student has an IEP or 504 Plan indicate "TRUE", otherwise indicate "FALSE".

After adding all the data into the template and saving it using the naming convention above.. Return to the Dashboard and click the upload icon in the orange box .

Verify upload by returning to your Dashboard and viewing the "Pending Request" Section.

Enroll an active student into their course or courses.

Click on the course to select both "A" and "B" or click just "A" or just "B". They will populate in the Selected Course List. To undue a course from the Selected Course List, click on it.

Once you've selected all the student's courses, review and verify them and then click Submit & Close (ends the enrollment process for student and returns you to the Dashboard) or Submit & New ( continues enrolling the student into additional courses.

Last updated

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